MEPs back updates to EU rules on driving licences to improve road safety
Mobile driving licences, self-assessment of fitness to drive and better awareness of pedestrians are some of the changes to EU driving licence rules by MEPs on Wednesday.
Parliament backs reforming the EU’s driving licence rules to make sure they contribute to road safety and to the EU’s green and digital transitions.
European Parliament vote on teenage lorry drivers is a wrong-turn for road safety
The European Parliament’s position on revised rules for driver licences in the EU, agreed in Strasbourg today, will have severe negative consequences for road safety according to the European Transport Safety Council (ETSC). ETSC is most concerned about the proposal to require all EU Member States to introduce an accompanied driving scheme for 17-year-old lorry drivers. The current recommended minimum age for this category of vehicle in the EU is 21, though several countries allow 18-year-olds to drive HGVs under certain conditions. Research by the German Insurance Association (GDV) shows that HGV drivers aged 18-20 caused a much higher proportion of collisions resulting in personal injury than older HGV driver age groups.
FitDrive Event in Rome
On the 20th and 21st of February, the sixth consortium meeting took place in Rome at La Sapienza University.
During the meeting, our partners presented the developments of the machine learning system and the programme of the cycle 3 tests, with the implementation of the FitDrive system during the professional drivers’ daily work. Download the report details the activities and outcomes of Work Package 5 (WP5), which focuses on organizing and executing controlled environment and naturalistic tests to validate the results attained in Work Package 2 (WP2), obtained in simulated conditions, by deploying the ICT framework developed in Work Package 4 (WP4). The report covers the test Cycle 2 (C2) involving truck drivers in Spain and van drivers in Italy.
Road Safety Conference – Green transition of the transport system of Croatia
EFA is glad to have been invited to this event and has given its contribution on driver training related to electric vehicles.
In Croatia more than 66 percent of domestic vehicles are over ten years old. Vehicles of older production years are more involved in traffic accidents, it was heard at the conference. Of the 2.6 million vehicles registered last year, there were about 51,000 electric vehicles, or only 2.08 percent of the total vehicle fleet.
Road Safety 2024 Conference – Green Transition of the Croatian and EU Transport System
International Safety Media Awards
The International Safety Media Awards are proudly held in conjunction with the World Health Organization’s 15th Injury Prevention and Safety Promotion Conference, #Safety2024, which will take place in Delhi, India from September 2-4, 2024. Please join us! For more information, please visit World Safety 2024.
Youth on the Move: Young People and Transport in the 21st Century
Mobility patterns of the younger generation matter for sustainability, economic development, liveability, health and well-being. This report addresses the gap by reviewing young citizens’ travel patterns and behaviours, identifying their expectations regarding mobility and life opportunities and investigating their mobility-relevant experiences, capabilities and skills.
Trends, challenges and opportunities in the EU transport labour market
The study provides a comprehensive review of the transport labour market trends in the EU, the challenges and the future prospects that transport workers and undertakings are confronted with, notably for digitalisation, automation and decarbonisation processes. The study describes the impacts on the EU transport labour market in terms of number of jobs, job structure by age, workers’ skills, working conditions, shortage of workers and attractiveness of the occupations. A stakeholder consultation complements the findings of the literature review.
SUMMITS’24 – 4th International ITS SUMMITS in Turkey
Intelligent Transportation Systems Association of Türkiye (ITS Türkiye) will organize 4th International ITS Summit (SUMMITS’24) under the auspices of Abdulkadir URALOĞLU, Minister of Transport and Infrastructure, with the participation of the leading public and private sector stakeholders and their high-level managers on 2-4 May 2024 in Ankara. SUMMITS’24 will last three days which will comprise of seven panels with high-level profiles. After the opening ceremony, 7th Path of the Mind Awards in Transportation will be given to the winners and the exhibition will be opened and visited by the protocol members. SUMMITS’24 will not only include panels, and exhibition areas for ITS companies, but also sessions for presenting academic papers and innovative ITS solutions.