EU Road Safety Results Conference.
The EU Road Safety Results Conference has been the opportunity to engage with EU Member State authorities and all stakeholders on the progress being made with implementing the Safe System approach.
More than 340 participants attended either in person or online. EFA actively participated in the session ‘YOUNG PEOPLE AND ROAD SAFETY’ where it explained how driver training could be improved to improve the road safety of young drivers. EFA presented an awareness training model that separates skills from knowledge.
Driver training challenges for automated vehicles: the EFA supports Trustonomy Position Paper.
Trustonomy (trust+autonomy) was a project connecting stakeholders from different automotive industry, research, and transport areas. The consortium was composed of sixteen organizations from nine countries of Northern, Central, and Southern Europe. The vision of the project was to raise the safety, trust, and acceptance of automated vehicles.
Survey invitation for Study to support the evaluation for the revision of the Directives of the Roadworthiness Package.
The VVA Consortium (formed by VVA, TML, TNO, VUFO and University of Leeds) is currently conducting the Study to support the evaluation for the revision of the Directives of the Roadworthiness Package on behalf of DG MOVE.
The general objectives of the RWP are threefold: improve road safety and contribute to the reduction of fatalities and serious injuries from traffic accidents, improve air quality and the environment by contributing to a reduction in air pollutants emitted by vehicles over their whole lifetime, facilitate free movement of goods and people across the EU area.
You can participate in the study by completing this survey: here.
The objective is to collect information on the relevance, effectiveness, efficiency, coherence, and EU added Value of the current RWP Directives at EU level and in EU Member States. The survey deadline is 6th of January 2023.
The 8th Annual Future of Transport Conference.
Europe’s transport and mobility sectors are at the start of an unprecedented transformation. For the vehicle industries, zero-emission mobility is the near future, demanding a significant restructuring of manufacturing and innovation processes. As data, AI and connectivity begin to deepen their integration with vehicles and transport networks, the potential to drive insights, efficiencies and services becomes ever more apparent, promising improvements to traffic management and safety while boosting and enabling European and global climate objectives.
Drink-driving checks need a post-Covid booster.
The report aims to provide an updated overview of the drink-driving situation in Europe, covering 30 countries: 25 Member States of the European Union together with the United Kingdom, Israel, Norway, the Republic of Serbia and Switzerland. It looks at country-by-country progress in reducing road deaths attributed to drink-driving over the past decade. The report highlights specific legislation and enforcement measures from across Europe. A range of recommendations for further tackling drink-driving are included for national governments and the EU institutions throughout this report.
Special Envoy for Road Safety with Belgian and EU officials in Brussels.
The United Nations Secretary-General’s Special Envoy for Road Safety, Mr. Jean Todt, will be in Brussels on 8-9 December to advocate for the effective implementation of the Global Plan for the Decade of Action for Road Safety 2021-2030 with the aim of halving the number of victims on the road by 2030. The Special Envoy will meet with representatives of the Belgian Government and European Union institutions. Mr Todt will also address relevant partners at high-level events during these dates.
Luca de Meo, CEO of Renault Group, to serve as ACEA President next year.
EFA congratulates the Board of Directors of the European Automobile Manufacturers’ Association (ACEA) who has elected Luca de Meo, CEO of Renault Group as its President for 2023. As of 1 January, Mr de Meo will take over the presidency from BMW’s CEO, Oliver Zipse, who has held the position for the last two years.
ITS European Congress 2023: Call for Contributions deadline extended: 20 January 2023.
The deadline for submissions to the ITS European Congress has been extended to the 20 January 2023. This gives you an extra time to submit your contributions and have the chance to present your work at the 15th ITS European Congress next year. ITS invites you to submit proposals for Papers, Special Interest Sessions (SIS), Strategic Future Sessions (SFS), and Start-up Presentations, all of which are critical to keeping the ITS conversation going.