EFA believes that driver training should always be carried out in driving schools.
European driving schools are ready to face the technological challenges of new vehicles. Today, 90% of people go to driving schools only to obtain a driving licence and not to learn to drive safely. We have to change this attitude. EFA is very proud to announce that it will shortly present a new concept for driver training. A new concept coming soon ..
SKVZA New President! Congrats Mr. Rohal’
Due to the unexpected and sudden death of mr. Jaroslav Prekop, who has been president of SKVZA for 14 years, a special general meeting was held in Slovakia on January 23, 2020 for the election of the new president of SKVZA.
Jozef Rohaľ won against Mr. Andrej Buday. The score was: 82 votes for Jozef Rohaľ versus 29 votes for Andrej Buday. Jozef Rohaľ has been an executive member of the SKVZA board of directors since 2005.
Jozef Rohaľ thanks the members who elected him as president of SKVZA. Mr. Rohal ‘says: “I will do everything in my power to meet the expectations of the members, I promise to continue cooperation with international organizations, especially with EFA”.
EFA in Saudi
EFA was invited to the 5th International Traffic Safety Forum and Exhibition event in Dammam, Saudi Arabia.
“It was a great honor to participate at the event and we hope that with our presence it will start a future collaboration in the sign of road safety, which everywhere goes through the training in driving schools” – says Manuel Picardi, EFA General Secretary.
EFA in Sweden
Even EFA has participated at 3° Global Ministerial Conference of Road Safety held in Stockholm from Wednesday 19th to Thursday 20th.
Delegates of quite 140 countries have adopted the Stockholm Declaration: Achieving Global Goals 2030. In the Declaration are indicated the 18 points to be respected for acheiving better results than last decade: “We recognize our shared responsibility and call on member states to contribute to reducing road traffic deaths by at least 50 percent from 2020 to 2030”.
NTUA Road Safety Observatory has published his February Newsletter
NTUA Road Safety Observatory is supporting the International Road Safety Community with current key road safety knowledge and data, which are gathered, analysed and organised within the research activities of the Department of Transportation Planning and Engineering of the School of Civil Engineering of the National Technical University of Athens, as well as within co-operations with various national and international road safety organisations. The development and operation of the NTUA Road Safety Observatory is coordinated by Professor George Yannis.
UNECE Newsletter
Below is the UNECE Newsletter of the end of February on the latest important road safety events.
International Transport Forum publishes his 10 recommendations for safe micromobility
Electric scooters and e-bikes are changing our cities. They’re hugely popular, but are they safe? E-scooter riders do not face significantly higher risk of death or injury than cyclists, a new ITF report finds. The study, launched during the 3rd Global Ministerial Conference on Road Safety, guides policy makers to ensure that micro-vehicle riders and pedestrians do not become crash victims.