AV-Poland Event
EFA presents the activities carried out for the Simusafe Project, funded by the European Commission, at the AV-POLAND event.
The event was very successful, over 1,300 views in two languages. The Motor Transport Institute (ITS) invites you to watch the event on Youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zAHf4I_PlU0
EFA Virtual Delegate Meeting
The six-monthly EFA Delegate Meeting was held on 8th June. Hopefully the latest in virtual version. The EFA Board presented the numerous activities carried out and the upcoming challenges. A big thank you to the external speakers who added value to the event. The speeches of Luciana Iorio for WP.1 of UNECE, Ignacio Llearco of INTRAS of the University of Valencia and Gianluca Di Flumeri of BrainSigns were very much appreciated by the participants. See some pictures of the event:
EFA attends at the ITF Motorcyclists Event on 16th June session
The workshop was co-organised by the International Transport Forum, the Swedish Transport Administration, VTI, the International Motorcycling Federation (FIM), and the motorcycle manufacturers associations (IMMA and ACEM). It was a follow-up to the Third Global Ministerial Conference on Road Safety, held in Stockholm in February 2020, and has been focus on the nine recommendations of the Academic Expert Group and their application to motorcyclists’ safety.
EFA participated in the session on Education, Training and Testing, denouncing the current difficulties of the driving licensing system. EFA proposed some ideas to be developed for two-wheel training.
The conclusions of the work and recommendations to try to achieve a significant improvement in road safety for P2W will be presented at the ITF event in September.
ETSC – PIN Report
On June 15th ETSC presented the report with the progress made towards the 2020 target in EU Member States. The EU has set two new targets for 2030, again to halve road deaths, and also to halve serious injuries. This report also looks briefly at the EU and national strategies for reaching those targets. In short, we will be looking back at progress and policies from the last decade, and looking forward to what needs to be done to achieve the new goals.
The LEARN! Manual is handbook for developing and evaluating activities and programmes for traffic safety and mobility education. It sets out recommendations, criteria and guidance to develop and implement sound educational activities in an accessible way.
The report is envisaged as a starting point for those who design, test, implement and evaluate educational activities on traffic safety and mobility, and are embarking upon the creation of new, or updating existing, activities.
The new resource should also be useful to ministries, authorities, schools and organisations when deciding on which activities and projects to buy or fund. The guidelines reflect a list of minimum criteria that should be included or considered, in order to ensure high quality standards are maintained.
EFA meets BODABODA Association
EFA meets the Kenyan Association of BodaBoda. BAK represents more than a million riders. EFA was asked to prepare training curricula for the training of trainers. Both associations aim to improve the country’s performance in terms of road safety for P2Ws. Both associations are convinced that these improvements must go through quality training. This activity is part of the EFA strategy to export quality training models outside the European borders.
New online resource for disabled drivers
FIA and ITF launch website with international travel info for motorists with special needs. Over 1 billion people in the world live with some form of disability. In many countries, people with disabilities make up a significant and growing part of the community.
For the huge number among them who need or want to travel by car, finding information about what is available to help them in different regions or countries can be difficult and sometimes impossible.
UNECE Report
Two new United Nations Vehicle Regulations will reduce the number and severity of collisions between vehicles moving off from a stationary position or in reverse manoeuvre at low speed, and pedestrians and cyclists. They build on the provisions adopted in 2018 introducing Blind Spot Information Systems (BSIS).
CCAM call for Partnership Board
The Members of the CCAM Association have the opportunity to propose candidates for the positions of Partnership Delegates, representing the different member categories. The Partnership Delegation is composed of 10 members of the Executive Group and 14.
The role of the Partnership Delegation is to represent the CCAM Association within the Partnership Board of the CCAM Partnership, a body meant for representatives of the CCAM stakeholders to meet with the European Commission services. It is governed by the Memorandum of Understanding signed between the CCAM Association and the European Commission, establishing the Partnership.